With his broad auditory range, he can perceive tones outside the range of the human ear as well as subtle sounds caused by vibrations on the ground. His enhanced sense of smell allows him to detect subtle changes in scents around him enabling him to detect the approach of others and increasing his ability to operate in darkness. Able to see much better than the average human and extremely well adapted to near dark conditions. Enhanced Senses: Being a raccoon many of Rocket's senses are heightened to levels well above human.A raccoons grayish coat mostly consists of dense underfur which insulates against cold weather. Raccoon Physiology: Rocket possesses the same enhanced abilities attributed to Earth raccoons, including an acute sense of smell and sharp eyesight.In addition to being genetically altered, Rocket is shown to have cybernetic implants within his body. It could perhaps be said that Rocket's body is semi-anthropomorphic in most respects. These differences are not drastic however, and seem to not greatly compromise his ability to move on all four, as he is shown to be able to do so in the movie. His hips and torso also appear to have been restructured to enhance bipedality, and his shoulders and upper arms also appear fairly human-like. Whilst his face is not very different from that of a normal raccoon (albeit perhaps with a greater ability for facial expressiveness), he does however posses a slightly human-like body structure, his legs being longer and oriented to line up with his body more than on a normal raccoon, enhancing his ability to walk upright. In many aspects he is very much alike a normal raccoon, his body being only subtly different from a regular animal at first glance. Rocket is a genetically engineered talking raccoon who wears an orange battle suit. Much like Yondu, his fear and insecurity prompt him to conceal his genuine concern for his friends. But this wisecracking raccoon is nothing short of lovable. He often gets insecure when people do not treat him as an equal and give him the same respect they would give a common animal.

“ I know you act like you're the meanest and the hardest, when really you're the most scared of all! I know you steal batteries you don't need and push away anyone who's willing to put up with you because just a little bit of love reminds you of just how big and empty that hole inside you actually is.” ―Yondu describing who Rocket is